Category: Car Accident

Proving Emotional Trauma in a Car Accident Claim
At Brown & Hobkirk, PLLC we see firsthand how car crashes leave behind injuries that no one can see. It’s not just broken bones or damaged vehicles. Emotional trauma after a car accident can affect your daily life, your relationships,...
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What to Do if You Are Involved in a Hit-and-Run Accident in Phoenix
If another driver hits you and speeds away, you may worry that you’ll have to carry the financial and emotional burden of your injuries alone, call Brown & Hobkirk, PLLC for help. However, you can take several steps to protect...
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Car Accidents Due to Tailgating in Arizona
Tailgating is illegal in Arizona, and for good reason. Statistics from the Arizona Department of Transportation report that following too closely led to 6,700 car accidents in the state in a recent year. Ten of those crashes were fatal, and...
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Claiming Lost Wages After a Car Accident
Even after a minor car accident, it’s common for someone to experience financial loss due to missed workdays. It’s hard for anybody to really prepare for the unplanned loss of their car, having to take time off of work, paying...
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Why Would You Need an Auto Accident Attorney in Arizona?
Anyone who has lived in Arizona knows that you need a car to get around our expansive metropolis. Chances are you spend 20 minutes driving for a school drop off or 30 minutes on the freeway to go to work....
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What To Do After A Car Accident
If you’ve ever been in a car accident, you know that your emotions will be running on overload; you may be confused, in shock or pain, distracted, or overwhelmed. If you know what steps to take after a car crash,...
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How Long Will My Car Accident Case Take?
If you were injured in a car accident in Arizona, you will likely file an insurance claim seeking compensation from the responsible driver. But how long does a car accident case take? It’s a difficult question to answer. The facts...
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