Category: Family Law

Do I Need To Disclose My Financial Information In A Divorce Mediation?
Yes, the more prepared you are to provide the necessary information on your financial status, the smoother your mediation will go. It is important to have full financial disclosure, so that there is a fair distribution of marital assets. Providing...
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Dividing Retirement Assets
Arizona is a community property state, so even though your retirement accounts are held in your name only, you will need to split these assets with your spouse. Each spouse will receive half of the retirement assets, since funds were...
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Three Types of Spousal Maintenance/Alimony
Alimony is a monetary legal obligation of one spouse to provide financial support before, and after, a legal separation to the other spouse. In Arizona, it is typically called spousal maintenance, and it is the Court that determines what, if...
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Marital Law: Hidden Assets in Divorce
It can be a common issue in divorce cases where one spouse tries to hide assets. In some cases, a spouse may hide assets as a way of trying to get more from the property division, but other times, it...
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