How Long Will My Car Accident Case Take?
If you were injured in a car accident in Arizona, you will likely file an insurance claim seeking compensation from the responsible driver. But how long does a car accident case take? It’s a difficult question to answer. The facts...
Is Arizona a No-Fault State?
Terms like “no-fault state” and “at-fault state” are not topics of daily conversation. But if you are injured in a car accident in Arizona, it’s important to understand the concept of fault and how it impacts your ability to recover...
4 Key Elements of Estate Planning
As this past year has demonstrated, life is very unpredictable. Illness can strike us all, and even young, healthy people can pass away without an estate plan. This can create a very complicated situation for the loved ones they leave...
How to Dissolve a Trust in Phoenix
If you’re looking to dissolve a trust, the first thing you’ll want to determine is the type of trust you’re dealing with: A revocable trust is a living trust. It can be amended or revoked by the grantor (the individual...
Duties and Responsibilities of a Trustee in Arizona
There is often a great deal of confusion for individuals who have been nominated as a personal representative or appointed as a trustee. They may have little understanding of what their new role means and may lack the knowledge about...
How Do You Handle Digital Assets In Your Estate Plan?
The Digital Age has created a need for new types of estate planning not originally anticipated by traditional estate planning methods. Our lives are now inundated with new technology, and you also need to protect your online accounts in order...
Which Assets Are Included in Arizona Probate?
It’s natural to have questions if you’re engaged in estate planning in Arizona. Knowing which of your assets will be subject to the probate process and which can pass directly to your loved ones after your death can help you...
How Does Divorce Impact Your Estate Plan?
Estate planning after a divorce is imperative. You want to ensure that your wishes are updated and followed in the event of your incapacity or passing. You may have established an estate plan with your spouse, but what happens if...
What NOT To Do When Estate Planning
The topic of estate planning has garnered a reputation of being something only the super wealthy or elderly need. So, it’s understandable why most people don’t know how estate planning is relevant to their everyday lives or whether they actually...
5 Worst Estate Planning Mistakes You Can Make
Planning for how your assets will be distributed after you die can be complicated. You may worry about how the ones you leave behind will be impacted. Fortunately, you can begin planning your estate as early as your 18th birthday....